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Join A Rocha Ottawa for our Winter Activities, Potluck Supper and Evening Program!

If you are unable to the afternoon activities, feel free to join us for supper and the evening program.


2:00 pm Winter Activities

Join us in Gatineau Park for winter outdoor activities including hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. You can choose your activity. We will lead a group cross-country ski for anyone who would like to join us. We have plenty of cross-country ski equipment available for those who don’t have any. If you intend to snowshoe you will need to bring your own snowshoes. Meet at 264 Kingsmere at 2:00 pm. (for directions or for a ride please send an e-mail to: paul.heintzman@arocha.ca ).

5:30 pm Potluck Supper

Please RSVP and let us know what you plan to bring so that we can plan accordingly.

7:00 pm “A Thousand Year Plan: The Deconstruction of Faith in Canada and the Potential for a (Re)Turn to a Creation Ethic.”

Dr. Peter Schuurman will draw on his new book (co-authored with Angela Reitsma Bick) Blessed are the Undone: Testimonies of the Quiet Deconstruction of Faith in Canada (New Leaf 2024) to point to the possibilities for a renewed Creation ethic that lie within the current “deconstructing faith” trend. From interviews with 28 “deconstructing” Canadians, he examines the place of indigenous culture and history in hopes for a repentant and reconstructed Christian faith, a faith that sees the “community of creation” as key to the shalom that God promises for all.

Peter will also be speaking on the topic of “Deconstructing a Young Earth, Deconstructing Faith: Two Stories, Two Directions” at a CSCA event on Friday evening Feb. 28 at the Laurentian Leadership Centre. For more details see: https://csca.ca/events/event/2025-ott-sch/

Please RSVP via email to paul.heintzman@arocha.ca to let us know if you will be attending the A Rocha event on March 1 and what you will be bringing for the potluck supper.