Hike, Supper and Evening with Dr. Iain Provain (Ottawa, ON)
November 5, 2016 @ 2:30 pm - 9:30 pm EDT
Skyline Trail Walk (2:30pm)
Join us in Gatineau Park for a walk along the Skyline Trail that was built in the 1930s and is one of the oldest trails in the park. Features of this trail include panoramic views of the Gatineau Valley and the City of Ottawa. Meet at 264 Kingsmere at 2:30 pm (please RSVP for directions or if you need a ride).
Potluck Supper (6pm)
Please RSVP and let us know what you plan to bring so that we can plan accordingly.
Presentation by Dr. Iain Provain (7:30pm)
Am I my Brother’s Keeper? And What about the Planet?
Holy Scripture exhorts us to be both people-keepers AND earth-keepers, but the former is still more widely understood in the Church than the latter. This talk explores both themes and their interconnections.
Dr. Iain Provain, professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College in Vancouver, is author of many books including Tenants in God’s Land: Earth-Keeping and People-Keeping in the Old Testament
If you are unable to attend all three parts of the event, feel free to attend the parts that you can.
For more details please email Paul Heintzman or see our Facebook event page.