Project Description
Small Group Study Guides
Bible Study Series
A Rocha Canada
- Week 1 – Gardening Stories: A Look at the Creation Stories in Genesis
- Week 2 – Teaching Creation: Drawing Lessons from the Pentateuch
- Week 3 – Singing Creation: How Creation Praises God in the Psalms
- Week 4 – Good News for Creation: Some Insights from the Gospels
- Week 5 – Dear Creation: Exploring New Testament Letters

Lausanne Global Classroom – Creation Care Study Guide
Lausanne Movement / Lausanne-WEA Creation Care Network
Lausanne Global Classroom – Creation Care Study Guide
Stewardship of God’s creation (creation care) is a clear biblical command and an integral part of what it means to follow Jesus as Lord. ‘If Jesus is Lord of all the earth, we cannot separate our relationship to Christ from how we act in relation to the earth. For to proclaim the gospel that says “Jesus is Lord” is to proclaim the gospel that includes the earth, since Christ’s Lordship is over all creation. Creation care is thus a gospel issue within the Lordship of Christ’ (The Cape Town Commitment I-7-A).
But that’s not all: God’s creation is in the midst of a crisis that is ‘pressing, urgent, and that must be resolved in our generation’ (Jamaica Call to Action). This crisis, of which climate change and massive biodiversity loss are just a part, represents an existential threat to the future of human society. This Global Classroom helps fulfil the goal of engaging the church in various aspects of creation care, and seeks to inspire young leaders, established leaders, churches, organizations, and movements to understand the importance of creation care in all their ventures.

Making a World of Difference
Tearfund / Renew Our World
Lead author: Dave Bookless
Our world is not as it was created to be; from environmental decay, suffering, and political extremism, to conflict, poverty, and social and economic instability. But God is calling us, the church, to respond to this!
This booklet Making a World of Difference tells you why, shows you how, and gives you hope that you can make a world of difference. It includes solid, biblical teaching on key topics – such as the climate and nature emergencies – and offers a theology of justice. It is complete with carefully crafted discussion questions for one person or a small group to use.

Missions and Creation Care
John Ray Initiative, UK
Missions and Creation Care: These five studies are designed to challenge our understanding of Christian discipleship and encourage us to practice sustainable lifestyles including the care of creation.
Plastic in God’s Oceans
A Rocha International
Plastic in God’s Oceans | 4-part Bible Study
From A Rocha International’s Plastic Toolbox. Scripture readings and discussion questions move through four topics: God’s purpose for the ocean, our relationship to the ocean, the suffering of the ocean, and the source of hope for the ocean. Get the Guide and the Prayer for the Oceans.
Every Creature Singing: Canadian Edition
CommonWord Canada – Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University
Every Creature Singing is the Canadian Edition of Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN) creation care curriculum. It is free and downloadable. Refreshed and updated in 2023.
Every Creature Singing grew out of a resolution that MCCN presented to the delegates at the 2013 Mennonite Church USA Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. The resolution called members of Mennonite churches “to commit to growing in their dedication to care for God’s creation as an essential part of the good news of Jesus Christ.” It also proposed a series of twelve questions for study and discernment. This curriculum follows the questions in the resolution and is intended to help congregations act on the resolution. As partners of MCCN, Mennonite Church Canada requested permission to adapt the curriculum for a Canadian context.
Grove Booklet – biblical and ethics series on the environmental issues
by Hillary Marlow
The Earth is the Lord’s: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues
Caring for the creation is an integral part of following Christ, yet many Christians fail to see this. Looking at a range of texts and themes in Old and New Testaments, this study shows how the whole of the non-human created order is included in the biblical vision of God’s restoration. It includes questions for reflection and points to resources for practical action.
by Iain Provan
Tenants in God’s Land: Earth-keeping and People-keeping in the Old Testament
It has sometimes been said that the focus on humanity in the early chapters of Genesis had led to Christian misuse of the environment and, to a lesser extent, the oppression of others. But the careful and convincing reading offered here shows the centrality to Genesis of a sense of common purpose between humanity and creation and within humanity itself. This contrasts with both ancient and modern alternatives, and sets a challenging agenda for the twin tasks of respect for the earth and concern for others.
by Robert Sluka
The dependence of modern society on plastic, combined with human impact on the environment, means that the presence of plastic is ubiquitous. It can have a positive role, but much of its impact is now negative.
How does plastic affect our relationship with creation, with other people, with God and with ourselves? How can we bring the healing offered in the cross of Christ to others through a better use of plastic? This study offers both theological insights and practical ways forward.
Additional: Plastic Toolbox – Learn and Act (from A Rocha International)
by John J. Bimson
The Book of Job and Environmental Ethics: The Message from the Whirlwind
Christianity has often been accused of being ‘anthropocentric,’ of putting humanity at the centre of its perspective—thus endorsing human exploitation of the environment.
Yet God’s words in the Book of Job offer a quite different perspective—one where creation is centred on God, and humanity is comparatively marginal. It is a theocentric vision which Christians need to recapture.
by Timothy Howles
Responding Faithfully to the Environmental Crisis: Christianity at the Time of the Anthropocene
The environmental crisis does not find its roots in Christian theology but in a modernist notion that the material world can be controlled and exploited by human technology. This has brought us to the brink of a new epoch, the Anthropocene.
This fascinating study explores the implications of this, arguing that Christians have a unique contribution to offer in turning understanding into action, drawing on apocalyptic thinking that challenges the empty hope of redemption through progress.
by Margot Hodson, Martin Hodson
An Introduction to Environmental Ethics
Environmental ethics is of increasing importance both in the wider world and as part of thinking about Christian mission. But too often it is explored as one part of human ethics, and so loses its significance.
This wide-ranging overview considers both secular and Christian environmental ethics, exploring both key themes and key thinkers, and provides an excellent map of the subject and its importance.
by Margot Hodson, Martin Hodson, Ruth Valerio, Timothy Howles
COVID-19: Environment, Justice and the Future
This booklet explores the justice and environmental issues raised by COVID-19, considering its causes, the impact of the lockdown in many countries and the ethics of rebuilding for sustainability and human flourishing.
by Robert Sluka
Hope for the Ocean: Marine Conservation, Poverty Alleviation and Blessing the Nations
The Bible often talks of the value of the earth as created by God, but the theological significance of the environment extends to the oceans as well—not least because this is a truly shared resource.This study looks at the setting up of marine protection areas (MPAs) as an example of good stewardship, and how it might exemplify the theological concerns of sabbath, justice and humility.
Other Resources
Featuring fifty days of reflections by spiritual leaders and writers from around the world, The Creation Care Bible Challenge is an extension of The Bible Challenge, a global initiative to encourage daily engagement with scripture and an exploration of the Word of God.
Au Sable Institute
Liturgies of Restoration: This is a five-week study on how our habits can shape us into people who serve, protect, and restore God’s earth.
For small groups and churches desiring to cultivate habits of worship, community, stewardship, purpose, and hope.
Web of Creation: Ecology Resources – Transforming Faith and Society
A blueprint for getting your church solidly engaged in the care for creation. Designed to train a small group of lay people and clergy to bring care for creation into the full life and mission of your congregation.
Operation Noah
This four-part study series, Tenants of the King, is designed to help you and your church consider what the Bible has to say about today’s climate crisis. Through interactive group sessions, video interviews with leading Christian thinkers and insightful Bible commentary, this resource will help you and your church to reflect on the challenges of a changing climate, and how Christians can respond with hope to one of today’s greatest challenges.