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You are invited to join the A Rocha Ontario team to reflect on our work over the past year and discuss the future of creation care. In this 1-hour virtual event, we will provide updates about our work, welcome your questions, and discuss together the challenges and opportunities involved in caring for creation.

Long-time supporters and those new to the A Rocha Ontario network are all welcome to this online event, along with everyone in between

To register, please complete the form below. Only registered attendees will recieve email instructions about how to join this virtual event (via zoom).

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at ontario@arocha.ca.

Register Below

A Rocha Ontario - Year in Review and Vision for the Future

Registration for A Rocha Ontario - Year in Review and Vision for the Future is free! To register, we ask that you please fill out each required sections of the form below.

Please note that this event will take place virtually (over zoom) and only those registered will recieve detail to join the event.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at ontario@arocha.ca.

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Support A Rocha Ontario

If you are interested in supporting A Rocha Ontario’s work, please consider making an online donation.
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