Whole people. Healthy places. Flourishing together.
At Cedar Haven we are learning to be in right relationship with the earth through immersive nature education and community-based conservation.
Immersive Nature Education
Benjamin McCullough2024-10-29T06:23:57-07:00
Operation Wild
Accessible nature experiences for adults with disabilities.
Planted in the heart of Southern Ontario
Cedar Haven boasts a variety of ecological features unique to Ontario. Acres of grasslands and meadows, hemlock cathedrals, Carolinian forest and cedar swamp wetlands create a diverse and vibrant ecosystem. Tucked into the woods of the Beverly Swamp, Cedar Haven is a wonderland of natural habitat.
We love welcoming guests to Cedar Haven! However, since the property is a working farm, please contact us at cedar.haven@arocha.ca to arrange a visit.
A Rocha groups are also gathering in Ottawa/Gatineau and Windstone Farm.
Community-Based Conservation
- Nestbox Monitoring at Cedar HavenBenjamin McCullough2024-08-22T07:10:25-07:00
Nestbox Monitoring at Cedar Haven