Whole people. Healthy places. Flourishing together.

At Cedar Haven we are learning to be in right relationship with the earth through immersive nature education and community-based conservation.

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Immersive Nature Education

Planted in the heart of Southern Ontario

Cedar Haven boasts a variety of ecological features unique to Ontario. Acres of grasslands and meadows, hemlock cathedrals, Carolinian forest and cedar swamp wetlands create a diverse and vibrant ecosystem. Tucked into the woods of the Beverly Swamp, Cedar Haven is a wonderland of natural habitat.

We love welcoming guests to Cedar Haven! However, since the property is a working farm, please contact us at cedar.haven@arocha.ca to arrange a visit.

A Rocha groups are also gathering in Ottawa/Gatineau and Windstone Farm.

Community-Based Conservation

A community of hope

In a culture characterized by fear, A Rocha offers an alternative: a joyful return to relationship with the land, each other and the Creator.

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Upcoming Events at the Cedar Haven

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