Northern Red-legged Frog

Freshwater Mussels

Vancouver Island Beggarticks

Brooksdale Forest Inventory

Boreal Ecology Centre - Manitoba

Raptors - Manitoba
Pocket Guide to Raptors of the Pembina Valley Region, Manitoba
Pembina Valley Bird Checklist 2015
“Manitoba’s Premiere Spring Raptor Migration Count Site: The Pembina Valley” by J. Paul Goossen, Al Schritt and Dorothy Schritt, appeared in Hawk Migration Studies, Vol. 36, No.1
Biodiversity Report Series No. 1 Results of the 2005 and 2006 spring raptor migration watch
Biodiversity Report Series No. 2 A report of a mini BioBlitz done at Morden’s Livingston Nature Park in 2009
Biodiversity Report Series No. 3 A report on the results of the 2012 spring raptor migration watch
Western Toads in the News
This year marked A Rocha’s seventh year monitoring a local Western Toad population. The huge numbers of juvenile toadlets emerging from their breeding pond along with A Rocha’s efforts to protect them as they made their way across roads into upland habitat attracted media attention.
2015 Conservation Science Presentations
Each semester A Rocha’s Conservation team at the Brooksdale Environmental Centre studies the health and inhabitants of the Little Campbell River watershed. Each trimester, staff, interns, volunteers, and partner organizations work on a number of projects.
This playlist includes our 7 projects undertaken in the summer of 2015. They include studies on: Western Toad, threats to the Northern Red-legged Frog, swallows, dissolved oxygen monitoring, Freshwater Mussels, Oregon Forestsnail and effective science communication.