
laying a foundation
for creation care



Education Programs

For children and youth, the Brooksdale Environmental Centre offers place-based learning experiences that get kids up close and personal with the natural world. Whether they’re dipping nets into ponds, pulling carrots from the garden, or peering through binoculars, participants come away with a greater appreciation and understanding of the ecosystem in which they live.

For adults, the Brooksdale staff offer workshops and teaching sessions both at our Centre and in the wider community on the theological foundations for creation care.

When You’re Here

All centre-based programs occur outdoors and are conducted rain or shine. Please come prepared with suitable rainwear and rubber boots. Parent drivers and helpers are encouraged to participate in activities and to help supervise students.

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The latest news on our projects

Church EarthKeepers Meet-Up (November 2024)

November 20th, 2024|

This Month's  Church Earthkeepers Meetup Highlights: The UNFCCC climate talks will take place in Azerbaijan this fall, bringing together global leaders and activists to address the pressing challenges of climate change. This month, we [...]

God’s Cathedral

July 21st, 2021|

Guest blog by Aurora Sarchet There’s a story my grandpa used to tell about taking me to the beach when I was small. In the story, I am a tiny child in a too-big [...]