Project Description
Pond Restoration
A Rocha has been working to increase the ecological health of our pond for the last 5 years. There have been issues with excess nutrients, warm temperatures and invasive species. This was discovered through our water quality monitoring and inventory of plant species. In response to this we have been removing Curly Pondweed, Yellow Iris and Reed Canary Grass. Once these plants have been removed we have replaced them with native species like Spotted Joe Pyeweed and Blue Flag Iris. We have also been adding habitat by planting both aquatic and riparian vegetation with Nature Academy, EarthKeepers Club and volunteer days. This helps to reduce water temperatures as additional vegetation provides more shade.
Our pond restoration work has seen an overall benefit to both aquatic and terrestrial species such as frogs, dragonflies, birds, snakes and fish. We will continue to monitor the ecological health of the pond and implement practices to enhance its habitat.