Tatalu Conservation Residency Application Form

Personal Information

Current Address

For Non-Canadian Applicants
Most non-Canadians must obtain a travel visa in order to enter Canada and participate in our Tatalu Conservation Residency program. While residents from some countries can simply arrive at the border and enter on a travel visa without a problem, residents from other countries may have to apply in advance, and will have a difficult time getting a travel visa.
If you are unsure about the requirements regarding whether or not you may need a travel visa, please see the Canadian government website here.  We do not support work or student visa applications.

Mailing Address

Please note there is a $15 application fee. You will be redirected to a payment page in order to process this fee at the end of the application.

Application Information

Term & Concentration Options

Please note the following start / end months for each term (see arocha.ca/conservation-residency for specific dates):
  • Spring/Summer: February - August
  • Summer: May - August
  • Summer/Fall: May - December

What internship concentration area are you most interested in? (please check all that apply)
Very Interested Somewhat Interested Less Interested

Why Are You Interested?



Please provide contact information for 3 references. Please provide one reference who can speak to your work, one who can speak to your character, and one who has played a mentorship role or who has been a leader (small group leader, pastor, coach, etc) in your life. References should not be family members.
In order to expedite the application process, we may contact your references when we receive your application, or if the upcoming term is within 2 months of your application. If you would like us to wait on sending references for some reason, please make a note for us to do so at the end of the application, or send us a separate email at residency@arocha.ca. 
For those applying for the Environmental Education program, please make sure 2 of your references can speak to your experience with children or vulnerable people, and that at least one has known you for at least one year.
Reference 1 - Work

Reference 2 - Character

Reference 3 - Mentor/Leader

Other Information

Important Information

See arocha.ca/conservation-residency for details on program fees. Fee includes room and board and program cost.

A Rocha Around the World

The details you supply will be stored by A Rocha Canada. All personal details will be stored in compliance with the Data Protection Act and will not be supplied to others without your permission.
Application Fee