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Every living thing has a life cycle! Check out how some local plants and critters grow and change. A day at camp includes a morning of songs and skits followed by hands on learning experiences, games, and crafts.

  • For children Grade K – 6.
  • Camp runs from 9am to 3pm.
  • Come dressed for an active day outside (rain or shine). Wear gear for the weather: hats, boots and sun/rain protection. (No umbrellas, please)
  • Bring extra set of clothing and socks.
  • Bring your own snack (both morning and afternoon), lunch & water bottle.
  • Bring hand sanitizer.

How to Register

Registration is a 3-step process:

1. Sign up, and make payment through Eventbrite. If you would like financial assistance- Contact us for more information.

2. Download and complete the Day Camp Registration Form and Parent Information & Agreement Form. (Note: You don’t have to submit the forms if your child has attended one of our 2022 programs, unless info has changed.)

3.  Return forms by 7 days prior to the day you registered for. Please email them to canada.kids@arocha.ca

IMPORTANT: Your registration is NOT considered complete until we have received the registration forms containing medical information and Consent waiver.

CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS:  If a camp is cancelled due to Covid-19 provincial health requirements, all camp fees will be fully refunded to affected families.  

Families withdrawing with more than one week’s notice will be refunded full registration cost minus the Eventbrite administrative fee. If it is within the week prior to the camp, $50 will be non-refundable, and the rest depending on if the spot is filled.

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to seeing your child/children at our Pro-D Day!

A Rocha is a Christian environmental stewardship organization and our camp will include short reflections on Creation Care. For inquiries, please email canada.kids@arocha.ca or call  604 542 9006.

Reminder: Please fill out the Day Camp Registration Form and Parent Information & Agreement Form  and return it to canada.kids@arocha.ca