In addition to giving through our secure website donation page we’d be happy to receive your gift through the following means:

Give an estate gift

To Get a US Tax Receipt

If you would prefer to receive a US tax receipt for your donation to A Rocha Canada projects you can click here to give through A Rocha USA. Then, follow the steps below:

  1. Select your Donation Amount and frequency.
  2. Fill in the Gift Designation section as follows:
    • Where would you like your gift designated: select International A Rocha Projects
    • Please direct my donation to: select A Rocha Canada
    • Optional Canadian Program: type A Rocha Canada (or the A Rocha Canada location, program area, or role you would like to support)
  3. Fill in the Billing and Contact Information, and Payment Details and submit your donation.

By Phone

Someone from our office would be happy to chat with you about your donation and help you pay by credit card over the phone. Please call us at 604.542.9022.

By Cheque

We’d be happy to receive an old-fashioned paper cheque if you’d prefer to give in this way. If you would like your gift to support a particular program, project or staff role, please download a giving form here, and send it to:

A Rocha Canada
1620 192nd Street
Surrey, BC V3Z 9V2

By Automatic Monthly Giving

Automatic monthly giving is simple and safe, and helps A Rocha plan wisely for our ongoing program costs.

You can set up monthly giving via credit card by giving online here and clicking “yes” to monthly donation.

You can set up monthly giving via debit by downloading our donation form here and mailing it to us with a voided cheque.

To cancel your current monthly donations, we require written instructions. You can use this form to ensure you give us all the pertinent information.

Not seeing what you need?

Please phone us at 604.542.9022 or email us and we’d be happy to help you.

Through Bequests and Estate Planning

When you remember A Rocha in your will, you leave a legacy of hope both for the care of creation and the care of people for generations to come. Whether your bequest is large or small your gift will have a lasting impact.

Bequests and other estate gifts need to be discussed with A Rocha in advance, to ensure that the gift is in alignment with A Rocha’s funding priorities and is structured to be practical to administer and to provide maximum benefit to A Rocha whenever it may be received, years or decades from now.

For a printable info page on arranging a bequest gift for A Rocha, please click here.

For a conversation about this (with absolutely no obligation), please contact Luke Wilson, CEO, using our contact form here.

Through Stocks or Securities

A gift of publicly-traded securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds, can be made to A Rocha.

Instruct your broker to transfer the stock from your portfolio to: A Rocha Canada.

Your broker can transfer the shares to:

RBC Dominion Securities
Account # 804-0936315
745 Thurlow Street, 20th Floor
Vancouver  BC, V6E 0C5

Our contact there would be happy to answer any questions:

Lilian Lau, Associate to Gary Armstrong

Please ask your broker to provide Donor Services by phone (604.542.9022), by fax (778.294.0122) or by email with the following information:

a) date that the donation was made (the recorded date of the donation)
b) name, symbol, and exchange of the stock
c) number of shares donated

The day that the stock is transferred from your portfolio is the recorded date of the donation.

Upon confirmation that the stocks have been received by A Rocha’s broker, they will be sold and the gift information recorded at A Rocha. A charitable receipt will be issued to you based on the market closing price of the share value on the date it is received by RBC, and will be sent at year-end (mailed in February with consolidated receipts).

Please note that it often takes two weeks for the shares to arrive in our account.

Financial Accountability

A Rocha Canada is a certified charity with the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities. Information about our annual reports, giving policies and financial accountability can be found here.

For a personal conversation, feel free to contact Sharon Blair, National Donor & Database Administrator, at 604.542.9022 or at