Gather with other Christians to learn about creation and climate care

Humanity is facing three interconnected crises: biodiversity loss, climate change, and poverty and inequality. Many of us struggle to find our role in addressing these crises. We struggle with theological questions, practical problems, and simply loving our places well. 

Will you join us at Consider the Lilies, a conference to connect and resource Christians in the great call to creation care?

We hope to see you there!

March 15, 2025
9 am – noon

In partnership with:
saint benedict’s table & All Saint’s Anglican Church
521 Broadway Ave

Immersive Experiences
Past Conferences



Saturday March 15, 2025

9:00 am

Welcome and Refreshments

9:15 – 10:30 am

Session #1: Talking Creation Care at your Church

How do you talk about creation care and climate change in a church context? How might we talk to the children and youth in our communities about this topic? What are some theological considerations? This workshop will tackle these questions about engaging minds on creation care.

Session #2: Taking Action with Hands-on Projects
Beth Downey-Sawatsky, Nora Hogman, Benjamin Verkerk, Peter Sawatsky

Sometimes the easiest way to start caring for creation is to do a hands-on project. This workshop will bring together various voices in the church to share about projects they have done, from community gardens, to green building techniques, to solar panels, and more.

10:30 – 11:00 am

Break for refreshments

11:00 am – Noon

Session #3: Worship and Liturgy

Join the A Rocha Manitoba team for a short worship service demonstrating how you can incorporate care of creation into the rhythms and practices of your church community.

More Info Coming Soon!

More Info Coming Soon!

Immersive Experiences

There are no immersive experiences this year


Snacks and refreshments will be provided. There will be options for vegetarians/vegans/gluten free.

Absolutely! The more the merrier. We would love to have you – that said, you will have to find your own accommodations if you plan on staying in Winnipeg overnight.

Yes, this event is for you, too. That said, we recommend doing a little reading/listening to find out more about what creation care is before attending the conference – we just don’t want you to feel confused or left out!
See this blog post or this one here for some recommendations. We also recommend this podcast.

Yes, All Saint’s Anglican church is wheelchair accessible. There is an accessible entrance to the church in the courtyard between the church and West Broadway Commons and an accessible, barrier-free, universal toilet room in the adjoining Annex. If you have questions about accessibility or want to chat about how we can accommodate your need or disability, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Yes! If you register, you do not have to attend the whole conference. You are welcome to attend whichever sessions you would like.


Registration this year is $10 per person. This covers the cost of refreshements.

If this amount is not affordable, please email us  and we can work something out.

Register here